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Showing posts from June, 2018

Salesforce Dashboards : Points to Remember

A dashboard is a visual display of key metrics and trends for records in your org. The relationship between a dashboard component and report is 1:1; for each dashboard component, there is a single underlying report. However, you can use the same report in multiple dashboard components on a single dashboard (e.g., use the same report in both a bar chart and pie chart). Multiple dashboard components can be shown together on a single dashboard page layout, creating a powerful visual display and a way to consume multiple reports that often have a common theme, like sales performance, customer support, etc. Points to Remember: Each dashboard component has Data sources with source report and components which are visual format like graph, chart or gauge To create a dashboard component, drag the report from Data sources into Dashboards area and Drag the visual component to the same area.  Visualforce pages can also be added to the Dashboards to show custom interfaces Dashboar...