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Showing posts from October, 2017

Check in and Check out error or Username /Password Error while logging into Local databases

We often face the username or password error while logging into local Siebel tools or client, even though we have correct credentials. This normally happens from the ODBC level, i.e. you might have tried to test the connection from ODBC with a different username and password and forgot to clear it from the corresponding odbc connection.  This leads to either Check out or check in Error or it will throw error while logging in if the credentials used in ODBC not exists in this local database.  In this example you can see, say first scenario, I am using USER as username and at odbc level I have tested connection with SADMIN and not cleared the credentials. In such cases, if I have right credentials at odbc level it will allow you to login, but with credentials at ODBC level, not with the username or password you have entered at login screen. . In the second scenario, if you were able to login with the credentials at ODBC level and when you try to...

Siebel EAI Workflow Error handling Expression for Null Process Property

During the Siebel EAI integration process there will be some scenarios of error logging in workflow process based on the response from the external system. Instead of having the additional attributes/columns in the error logging table, you can utilize only the Error code and Error Message columns to pass both the Workflow errors as well as error response from external system. As you can see in the below in the expression editor, you can check if there is any workflow error by checking on the default process property Error Code, if not pass the process property you have created to hold the response message in the same workflow. This way you can utilize the same columns for multiple purpose instead of keeping null if the error is otherwise.  The ampersand (&) identifies the text that immediately follows the ampersand as the name of a process property